Saturday, November 12, 2011

Enough Said

It was the Mama’s and Papa’s song ‘I Saw Here Again’ that I turned my partner onto because I love it so. It’s their harmony, the momentum built in by the strings and the sheer power of the vocal line reminiscent of a Bach chorale that I love. It flows with so much energy that there is no way not to be affected by it. Enough said. There is a space in the timing toward the end where there is a hesitation, the vocals start, stop, the strings play and then the vocals resume. To me it was as planned as when Bach leaves out a voice in a chorale giving another a chance to shine. That was my reality. My partner differed and said simply, ‘It’s a mistake and they left it so.” It was ridiculous to me and during dinner at The Fab Faux show last week at the State Theatre in New Brunswick, I stated my case and started the conversation with Rennie, Joe, Carl, Bob and whoever else was crammed in the small production office waiting for a chance to grab dinner from the buffet table. Everybody listened again to the song and then friendly fire began about mistake or miss take. Jimmy V wandered by and when I mentioned it’s like a Bach fugue, he commented “I don’t know about fugue but they certainly did feud”. There was a momentary smile and then someone mentioned ask Frank. Frank Agnello is a compendium of knowledge and he can instantly draw upon it, not only regarding music but culture and art. I went off to find him having dinner with Will Lee and interrupted their conversation like a kid at the grown ups table. Frank immediately said it was a mistake and Will asked for clarification having not heard my question. I mentioned the line and he simply said, “It was a mistake, that’s what John Phillips told me.” Enough said. My reality came crashing down in a huge smile. It hadn’t occurred to me that this amazing guy actually worked with John and can clarify in a split second ending any speculation or my rhetoric of nonsense. It was an awesome moment for me to remember there is no mistake in how I feel about the opportunity to work with these guys. It’s Fab. And that’s reality.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I haven’t written anything in quite some time, there are stories I have that just can’t yet be told. Meanwhile life just keeps happening. Tonight however when I was knitting away I realized I was holding in my hands something that was serendipitous.

On my first Thanksgiving Day, my cousin Marie taught me to walk. I’m not sure that my mother was so thankful because that’s when the trouble of chasing me around started, but she taught me nonetheless. Since that walking moment she has taught me many things, gotten me a job when I was 16 and has always looked out for me in her own way. Most recently I was really honored that she gave me a hope chest that belonged to our Grandmother and she had saved for many years. Around the same time Marie called to ask if I wanted it, I told her I wanted to learn to knit, knowing she would teach me. She told me what type of needles and yarn to get and I mentioned my Fall work schedule was going to be busy but would when I got a chance.

Soon after that conversation, I was going to Portland, Maine for a gig with The Fab Faux. Through Newark airport my phone rang as I was running late and being stopped at security. I was too harried to pick it up although I saw it was she. In Portland the Eastland Hotel was in walking distance to everywhere and having an afternoon to spend exploring, I thought I’d look for a yarn store. Since I travel often enough I was thinking it would be nice to buy yarn in different cities. I wasn’t aware that right around the way was a yarn shop but I found myself in front of what was called Central Yarn Shop. Gingerly I made my way in and looked around, relieved that the owner was busy so I didn’t have to feel rushed. I was more overwhelmed; there were beautiful yarns in this unassuming yarn shop. I took me a while but I fell in love with expensive Italian wool that was a rich bouquet of purple, gold, green and blue. I didn’t care about the price, I was kick up my heels inspired and in love with the beautiful colors. That’s what grabs me about knitting, to find yarn that has colors vibrant as flowers. Anyway, the shopkeeper was very nice helping me find the size 7 needles and I went on my merry way out the door, remembering that Re had called and I hadn’t played the message. I hit my voicemail and there she was as if by wizardry telling me that since I travel often it would be nice to try to buy yarn in different cities to knit with. Ok, so we think alike, that’s not serendipity, I know.

The following week at her house she taught me how to knit and I will say that it was probably easier to teach me to walk.

As I left for home she handed me a bag, telling me there were some clothes for my daughter, a couple of articles she pulled from the newspaper and a magazine and a book of hers to borrow called Stitch ‘n Bitch. When I got home, I took the things out of the bag. The magazine article was a lovely story about the same shop where I bought the yarn and there was a picture of the woman who helped me chose the needles in the shop. I was so surprised I dropped everything and called Marie. She said that after she left me the voicemail the morning I left for Portland, she turned the page of Country Living Magazine, read about this shop and thought of me.

Maybe there’s a book to be written here called Stitch ‘n Witch, cousins’ edition.
