Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blessed Be

  1. Blessed be

    Every note in the uni-verse

    Resonating in the heart of those who listen

    In endless arrangements of form and beauty

    Inspiring infinite blessings

    A gift of depth and expansion

    Creating ascension

    With all that is Holy in song

    The Abbey of the Arts Blog is having a Poetry Party until March 26th and this was my contribution to the theme "Blessed Be." Whether it be a song derived from nature like the 'heavy metal' chirping of the birds currently these Spring time mornings or a song written in any music genre or culture as an expression of human nature, all songs are woven with a thread of holiness. The sound created by the chirping of birds in the Spring is believed by some to help the grass, trees and flowers grow. Take notice in Summer how mornings will be quieter as their work has slowed down. The effect of music on the brain is believed to have helped create human nature. Music affects the body on a cellular level so deeply science is just beginning to tap the surface of the relationship between sound and growth. In the beginning was the word.......spoken word created the universe. Music is a powerful gift to all and one of the keys to the universe. Blessed Be.

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