Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Walk Away~

Did you ever wish that you smoked cigarettes? Outside of the occasional stolen ‘Lucy’ I took from my Mom’s pocketbook as a kid growing up I never did. My Mom was a chain smoker. An ashtray containing stubbed out cigarettes etched with a fine line of red lipstick could be found wherever my Mother was. I never cared for smokes however there are times lately when I think I could use a cigarette break. People all over the world, my kids included, light up sometimes stepping outside and walking away from whatever they’re doing. I’m jealous of the accompanying “time out” that no other habit so easily grants. I think that’s the beauty of it, the easy walk away.

Maybe it’s my cabin fever, which is spiking and clearly related to January’s smoky turn of events or maybe it’s the fact that my left eye began to twitch when I was placing brownies in the oven 5 minutes ago. Right about now I’d like to easily walk away, just like a smoker, not looking back, having my own personal time out that is as culturally respected as a cigarette break.

For now I'll walk over to the fridge, pour a glass of chardonnay and walk up to a lavender patchoulli bath of my own making but I'm thinking Jim Capaldi was light years ahead of his time with Light Up or Leave Me Alone.

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