Sunday, June 26, 2011

Looking for Clues

My eyes are sensitive and always take a bit of time to adjust to changes in light. Today, a little after noon, I arrived home from the Farmers Market and drove into the garage, still wearing my sunglasses. I opened the car door and simultaneously heard something rustle in the hodgepodge of furniture I had pulled from the basement for a garage sale. That mess is adjacent to where I park. I hurried on my way to open the passenger side door when a medium sized something crawled out from under my car. It was dark colored, somewhat pointed and looked as if it was searching. I was soon to discover that it was looking for its friend. I went running out of the garage and up the steps of the deck looking for my son, hoping, the first time ever mind you, that he would still be lounging on the couch. Thru the screen door I yelled to him that I thought a jackal was in the garage. Startled and too surprised to argue, he jumped up and we ran back down the steps to the gate. Just as we opened it, two proud peacocks with dark feathers and brilliant colored plumes strutted by from the garage. Walking side by side they hopped over the stone row that divides my yard from my neighbors and continued regally thorough the woods. I was immediately reminded of the Aubrey Beardsley artwork in his illustrations for Le Morte Darthur as only through his imagination have I ever seen peacocks roaming freely.

Never mind the fact that I live in New Jersey, not in any artists imagination or in Pre Christian England or in The Gardens of King Herod where Oscar Wilde wrote about peacocks adorning the garden in Salome.

I’m just a Jersey girl, living on the alternate side, busy enough helping to road manage a band that travels weekends and distracted enough by my family to not get my garage sale going. Recently the business I started 3 years ago has become something I am focusing on, hoping it will grow. My forever character flaw, brought to my attention one day by my mother, is of thinking my day is filled with clues. My understanding of the world is contingent upon the clues giving me direction so I’ve looked up what type of omen a peacock is and here I share in case one should ever cross your path.

The Peacock can represent spring, birth, new growth, longevity, and love. It is a good omen, signaling prestige, success and contentment in relationships and careers.

I choose to believe they presented in my garage at just the moment of my arrival for the Universe to reaffirm that my work will be successful, to remind me to stay focused. The fact that they are birds that have successful partnerships was not lost on me either. Birds have long been believed to be messengers of the Creator due to their ability to fly between heaven and earth.

I am hoping to fly as well.

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