Today dreamed of spring
And the earth felt the beauty of awakening
The sky smiled blue
Each moment reflected in a different shade of happy
Until from the West a setting sun
Blessed the Way
For the rising Hunter
Sparkling in the twilight of the January sky
Touched by today’s dream of spring.
Last Thursday I woke remembering a dream fragment. I was looking up in the dark night sky at the constellation Orion. Nothing else from the dream returned to me. This time of year he is clearly visible and so the dream fragment and Mondays beautiful weather were my inspiration for the poem. I wrote it Monday night without an intention to post it here. I write poems and rarely share them. For some reason they are important to me and I am afraid to own up to it. I began to do it because they gave clarity to my day, especially if it was a really bad day. I could fix it in a poem and make it beautiful. Or at least try to. Meanwhile even if the rest of my day could fall apart I had the poem to keep changing til it was perfectly beautiful. Anyway, now you get the reason for the cowardly lion J
I like the poem..