In my decision to blog I created a promise to myself to once a week polish up some words presentable enough to post. This week was a challenge however and this morning I found myself without a paragraph and uninspired. I was only inspired to clean. Friday was always cleaning day when I was growing up and I suppose I unconsciously tap into the rhythm of that cycle each week. My Mom said it was better to get it done on Friday and then have the weekend free. Having five kids and a full time job I don’t think her weekends were ever really free but I understood the intention. I realized my intention recently has been to try and create space. It is a way of cleaning up to free myself and not be a caretaker of “things.” I’ve concluded that by getting rid of things that no longer serve me I can create space to grow. My practical goal is ten things each weekend. Last weekend I succeeded and this weekend I will try again. Earlier this month in my Yoga class Stacy spoke of creating space as well through different asanas and breath. It reaffirmed that my goal was worthwhile, universal and a benefit to me on internal and external levels. Even with the best of intentions it’s daunting. Attachments grow strong and quiet, cluttering up the space I believe I have. Identifying what to let go of is a challenge but I am inspired by the wisdom of Maggi Horseman’s quote, “Letting go is flying”. Meanwhile, I’m off to dust my broom.
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